Board Care


Maintaining a wood board is a quick and easy task that will help keep your board sanitary, looking new and extend the life of your board.

DO NOT CUT ON THE EPOXY RESIN PORTION OF BOARDS. These are for serving only and generally require little extra care.


  • NEVER put your board in the dishwasher
  • NEVER submerge or “soak” a board in water
  • Use lukewarm water and a mild soap to clean
  • Wipe your clean board dry & let it finish by air-drying on its edge so that both the top & underside are fully exposed to air flow to dry
  • NEVER put a wet board flat to dry, if the board dries on one side, it will cause the wood to WARP
  • NEVER USE alcohols, cleaning solvents or bleach, this could stain the wood and/or excessively dry the wood
  • Use 606 Board Butter or some commercial board wax to refresh and protect your board
  • STORE your board in a dry area away from extreme hot or cold temperatures

USE IT! Many people never get the experience of using their boards because they’re afraid to “ruin” them. Don’t be afraid. Give your board character so your board can tell a story. Or, if you want, use the back side for cutting and the front side for show.

Avoid acidic foods. These strip away the finish faster than regular use.

If your board becomes dry or staining starts to happen, refinish your board.


  1. Clean board with mild soap and hot water
  2. Apply food-safe oil & wax finish
  3. Wait 5 minutes
  4. Repeat step 2-3
  5. Wipe away excess finish